Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's that day...

Well, today is 31 May. Which means... we have a birthday today! Wait? I'm wrong? What do you mean I'm wrong? Aaaaaaa! You mean there's not just one birthday, but two birthdays today?! Well then, let's have the lucky winners step up on the podium please:

First up is Ioana! (to those of you who don't know, Ioana is my girlfriend) Let's all put our hands together for Ioana who is turning 18 today. That means drinking, driving and sex are now legal for you! Cool!


Second up is myBlog! Everyone cheer for the blog we all know and love. myBlog becomes one-year-old today. I was hoping I'd hit 100 posts before this day is over, but hopefully that will happen before next year.


For those of you who are wondering about this coincidence, check out the very first post. (NOTE: Back then, Ioana and I were not together... who would have thought we'd come all this way...)

Saturday, May 26, 2007


It is amazing where one can find inspiration nowadays. Wherever you look, you may find something of great interest. There exist only 2 conditions:
- You have to keep your eyes open;
- You have to have something to use the inspiration for.
Now, these conditions can be dealt with in an extremely hasty manner.

First, if the source of inspiration is shocking, you don't need to keep your eyes open. However, it has to be really shocking. You know, the kind that hits you and leaves you traumatized for weeks without end. The kind that makes you go "You are shock!" (the source of inspiration I'm talking about did this to me)

Second, you need to have something to direct valuable inspiration towards. And what is the best place the a blog? You can throw anything here, whether it is interesting or boring, cute or disgusting, violent or pornographic, everything goes. What? There is more worthy a target for inspiration? Yes, there is! I'm talking about motivational posters.

For those of you who don't know, motivational posters are little framed photos with a title and tagline that "Inspire! Motivate! Mock!" They are the perfect things. You will see an example below (I hope it inspires you to make more).

Yes, 'motivational poster' was the first thing that popped into my mind as soon as I saw my room mate's rice and chicken. What's so inspiring about rice and chicken? Nothing much, usually. But after keeping it in the fridge a few weeks, it becomes really shocking. Remember, 'shocking' was the first condition for a successful source of inspiration? I've always thought mould to be green, but there are many other colours of mould: blue, white, brown, black, yellow, grey... The photo is not high quality, since it was taken with a mobile phone, I hope you enjoy it though. So without further a due:

If you want to make your own motivational poster, visit:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Eurovision 2007

For those of you who are not up to date, the 52nd edition of the Eurovision Song Contest ended this weekend with Serbia's Marija Sherifovich claiming a 268 point victory (with the song Molitva, meaning 'Prayer').

I personally didn't like the songs that much. My favourites were the opening and in-between songs, namely Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujah (last year's winner with a record-breaking score of 292 points) and Apocalyptica (though I don't know what song). I have to admit, Finnish music is very good. However, despite being the host, they didn't do too well, obtaining only 53 points, landing them on the 17th place (behind Romania's bullshit song... which scored 13th with 84 points). They should have participated with Loituma's Leva's Polka, I'm sure that would have gotten them many more votes.

One of the most interesting things was the distribution of the points. It was notable that most countries voted for their neighbours, which is understandable (except for the United Kingdom, which is even more understandable). Romania enjoyed two 12-point votes (this being the maximum), from Moldova, which is unexpected, yet somewhat understandable and mostly pleasant, and from Spain, which is extremely understandable and equally hilarious (prietenii ştiu de ce!).