Saturday, August 23, 2008

DMC - Play It Fucking Loud!

About a year ago I wrote a post entitled D.M.C. - Dumb Mindless Crud, in which I reviewed the Devil May Cry anime series, based on the overly popular video game. Whenever someone would say "DMC", I'd think of that bullshit and would want to punch the guy in the face. This has all changed three days ago.

Another anime series (accompanied by a manga and a live-action movie) is coming out, entitled Detroit Metal City. It is the story of Negishi Souichi, a young countryside lad who goes to Tokyo to become a professional musician. He plays the guitar, writes songs about love and world peace, likes Swedish pop and his favourite singer is Kahimi Karie. After graduating university, he becomes Johannes Krauser II, lead guitar and vocalist of the death metal band Detroit Metal City.

It is an overly amuzing anime, and I believe not just for metal fans. he whole fun comes from the contrast between Krauser, who supposedly is a drug addict, raped and killed his parents and escaped from prison to form the band, and Negishi, who sends carnations to his mom on Mother's Day, has never smoked and is a virgin.

I've seen the first two episodes of the anime and it is extremely promising. I won't say anything more, since I don't want to spoil the fun. I recommend it to anyone who is in the mood for some good laughs.

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