Sunday, August 19, 2007

Journey Photo Log, Interlude

I'll be leaving for a week to Borsec. This is a recreational camp (which means no Internet connection), so I'll have to leave the log a bit suspended. However, I leave you with two movies that we made in camp. Enjoy:


Anonymous said...

You where to.. Jewish camp? Weird, but I found this Video on Ariel Constantinof's blog, was quite surprised to see you there, hehe :) (Viki? nah, it can't be. Wait: that is Viki. :) )

Anonymous said...

Fain :) ti-am descoperit de abia acum blogul dar stiam clipuletele de la Ariel si de la Zeffy. Ehm... am o rugaminte... :"> crezi ca ai putea sa imi trimiti cumva, direct sau prin unul din ei doi pe mess ceva... The Makkabees - Oseh Shalom. Am cautat peste tot si nu am gasit, si cum tu ai facut clipul si ai folosit melodia, banuiesc ca o ai... pls :) merci...